RMGT 970 Perfecting Press Interview With Don Kallil, Owner of Verdant Graphics

By investing in the RMGT 970 press, Verdant Graphics has significantly boosted both efficiency and productivity. The press allows them to print greeting cards eight times faster than before. Previously, using their older DI press, they could only print two cards at a time, with long drying times between each side. Now, thanks to the RMGT's perfecting press and LED curing technology, they can print eight cards at once, front and back, and they're ready for finishing immediately.

"Our efficiencies and productivity have been well worth the additional investment to make that big jump. We're printing greeting cards eight times faster than we were previously."

-Don Kallil, Owner of Verdant Graphics

If you would like to learn more about the RMGT 970 Perfector for your business, please fill out the form.

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