VISOgraphics Wins People’s Choice Award

VISOgraphic is proud to announce that its 2019 Look Book won three awards at the Great Lakes Graphic Premier Print Awards Event — including the coveted “People’s Choice Award” at the end of the night.
The VISOgraphic Look and Feel Book was printed on a RMGT 10-Series 1020 6-Color + Coater Press with Baldwin U-VED LED UV lamp technology. All coatings and inks used were exclusively LED UV technology with a singular LED UV curing lamp (no mercury UV was used to achieve these outcomes). Substrates used varied from traditional coated papers to foil board, acetates and PVC plastics. Additionally, there were 6 different LED UV coatings used with different BCM rollers depending on the application and desired result. The book was designed to push the full limits of “never before” used coatings and coating rollers on a 40″ LED UV press, utilizing one curing lamp. Many of these techniques had never been achieved via a single, lower power LED-UV lamp anywhere in the world. Congratulations to the entire VISOgraphic team for leading the way in the Midwest Region this year! The Look Book now moves onto Nationals – where it will go against the best in the USA for a coveted Benjamin Franklin (“Bennie”) Award.