Dear Graphco Customer,
As a leading supplier to the printing industry in our region, Graphco is facing the same challenges we all share regarding the current COVID-19 situation. The health and safety of our employees, customers, and vendor partners is paramount. This requires a contingency plan to sustain our operations with regard to the spare parts, logistics, technical support and sales support that our customers have come to expect.
As with earlier worldwide shocks that have occurred during our 44 year history, we are operating under a “business as usual” approach with regard to servicing our customer’s needs. This is the current status:
- At this time all of our suppliers are continuing or have resumed fulfilling spare parts, consumables, and new machinery orders on a timely basis.
- Our Technical Service Team is fully engaged in our installations, maintenance calls and intervening service calls “as usual”.
- Our Parts and Supplies department continues to receive inventory and fulfill orders “as usual”.
- Our Operations Team is receiving and dispatching service calls, and issuing timely invoices to support your operation.
- Our Sales Team is continuing to work with our customers on their important sales projects.
- Our staff have been instructed to request direction when they arrive onsite regarding protocols at each individual customer location. Our minimum standards are the CDC recommendations.
We are closely monitoring the situation as it changes day to day, and are communicating with all our carriers and vendors to develop plans for required adjustment in supply chains to lessen any business impact to our customers. We will alert you if we foresee any changes or disruptions to our business that may affect yours. With our large technical service staff and spare parts inventory we have the flexibility to make quick adjustments to service for our customers.
We will ensure the health and safety of our own employees:
- We will continue to follow the most current CDC guidelines and recommendations as changes occur or should the situation worsen.
- Everyone at Graphco is equipped to work offsite if necessary as a containment measure.
- All Graphco employees are covered under both our quite liberal sick leave HR policies.
- We have taken the additional measure to extend those leave policies in the event any of our staff require such benefits to stay home until healthy or to care for a family member under watch, so they may do so without job-related concerns.
- We are continuing regular internal meetings to safeguard the well-being of our employees and customers.
We are following Department of Labor, OSHA/OSHA-approved, and CDC guidelines regarding management / disinfection of the physical work environment (including automobiles, toolboxes and cellphones for our traveling staff).
Some other helpful guidelines:
What you need to know about the Coronavirus fact sheet
Workplace, School and Home Guidance
Leading Your Business Through the Coronavirus
In collaboration with our HR partner Ironroad (www.ironroad.us) we will continue to update our community of customers, vendors, and staff regarding CDC best practices recommendations.
We will continue to share information with our customers and if we can provide any other information that your organization may need please contact us at 800-458-2769, or 440-823-7712, or graphco@graphco.com.
We are committed to maintaining our business operations and ensuring you continue to receive the highest quality service with minimal disruption. Graphco will continue to support our customer’s businesses and investments as we move through this unfortunate situation.
Chris Manley